December 13, 2008

el blog

Don't forget to respond to the new poll I've placed on the right side-bar. . . It decides the fate of Liz and me.

To supplement my update: my wife has posted some great pictures of our Friday's activities.

In other news, SEVENTEEN strapping and strong men showed up at our old house to assist in the packing and moving of the previous tenant's things. While we had agreed to house sit for the family, we were also responsible for their stuff. Thus, when deciding to move, we had to store said items. Although I took no pictures, I beg you to put your hands together for the combined total of 85 man-hours spent on the job. We completely filled four truck-loads followed by a massive trailer and a tow-truck. We celebrated over burgers and parted ways.

Also, anyone who knows me won't be surprised to find out that after lifting heavy items for hours today, I also lifted weights in the evening with a fellow missionary. I'm tired.

1 comment:

lori taylor said...

yay! Nebraska is winning!