October 29, 2008

New Features!!

Friends, family, and worhty opponents:

There are two new features that you will notice on my blog. (Google-Reader users will need to visit my actual website to see.) I encourage all of you to take part in these new features, as it will allow you to be more interactive in my blog, thus creating a community that I have very much been missing these last few months.

First: The poll is inspired because of the many hours each week I spend waiting for Liz to finish up her work. In the waiting hours, I read blogs, watch soaps, and stare at the ceiling. . . but I feel as though the hours could be better spend. (In my defense, I already read my Bible every morning, am reading several novels in the afternoons, and have watched EVERY movie the Imuses left us including 7 of Mary-Kate and Ashley's classics.) At any rate, I could be working on making myself a more rounded individual, so vote on what I should do in the passing hours.

Second: If you read my blog, let me know by clicking on the "Followers" link on the right. :)