September 28, 2011

Hopes and Dreams

There is a quote in a DC Talk song that goes something like this: "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is CHRISTIANS who acknowledge God with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle."

I've been on a kick lately trying to figure out what discipline looks like.

I've been talking about living simply, seizing every moment to experience God, and on occasion to stop caring so deeply about the world.
Let me delve slightly deeper into the thoughts going through my head lately, and then share a very exciting new development in my life.

  1. God is ALWAYS at work around you!  I mention this in an earlier post (CLICK HERE).
  2. To experience God you must daily place yourself in the middle of the impossible, knowing that you are completely in need of His intervention. (Step out in faith into areas that ONLY God can pull it off.)
  3. Be prepared to make MAJOR ADJUSTMENTS to your life in order to follow God's will. 
  4. If you believe that nothing significant can happen through you, you have said more about your belief in God than about yourself.
  5. God is not our servent.  He does not make adjustments to our plans.  We are HIS servants, and we must adjust our lives to what HE is about to do.
If you've ever taken part in the study "Experiencing God" you might recognize these points.  If not, I recommend it.  As I work my way through each of the exercises and pray through each of the questions, I am challenged at my own disbelief.  God, help my unbelief.

So what is the exciting new development?  Maybe I'll save it for next time...

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