September 19, 2011


I'm interested in knowing what perfect discipline looks like.  When considering the word "discipline" several thoughts and images come to mind...  but what is a perfect balance, and how different can that look from person to person?

Are there categories of discipline, and are they all importnat?

(example: spiritual discipline, athletic discipline, mental discipline, financial discipline, etc.)

If a man woke up and put his body through a regimen of workouts that sculpted and defined his body to a point of physical perfection, but he didn't read, I'm sure we would all agree that he was skewed to one extreme.  Likewise, if a woman devoted her entire life to prayer, but she never studied the Word of God or attempted to master her appetite, she would not be balanced.

I'm interested to know if you would add anything to this list:

A person of balanced discipline would need to be well-learned, physically active, socially prominent, scripturally grounded, and living within his/her means.

Is there a portion I'm missing? (Like the amount of time spent in silence/solitude?  Work/Play balance? etc.)  I'd like to know your thoughts...


Anonymous said...

Great conversation starter, Jay. I think ultimately, disciplined people have something left over to give. So, in my mind, a disciplined person lives a generous life. One of giving and service. Their cup is overflowing.

lori taylor said...

Someone who knows how to learn from another, and who takes the time to reach out to help someone else who is needing mentoring.

Jay Taylor said...

Levi Drake made the comment: where does this list of categories of discipline to which we should aspire end? Are there optional categories or are some where discipline is more optional than others? (i.e. physical exercise)

Anonymous said...

Okay, one more comment. The director of Pine Cove just blogged this:

With a quote from Henri Nouwen. LOVE IT.

"But in the spiritual life, the word discipline means 'the effort to create some space in which God can act.' Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up. Discipline means that somewhere you’re not occupied, and certainly not preoccupied. In the spiritual life, discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you hadn’t planned on or counted on.”


Jay Taylor said...

I think what I love about that though, April, is that leaving space requires saying no. Particularly people like you and I, there are always demands being made of our time, and if not prevented, we will fill our schedules so full of "good" that we miss out on great.