Why do I like the new year so much? What is it about this holiday that trumps all others in my mind? Well, there isn't great competition for starters. (With the exception of Christ incarnate to save all of humanity from depravity on Christmas, the rest of the holidays are kinda dumb.)
We have Halloween - let's celebrate death and evil spirits...
There is Valentines Day - a day dedicated to love and chocolate (or was it a saint with the name valentine)?
Don't forget about St. Patrick's day - a close second because of the green beer.
Do I even need to bring up Labor Day or Memorial Day? When is the last time you were inspired on either day?
I guess what I'm trying to say, but doing a poor job of it, is that New Year's is my favorite day. I find myself highly introspective and visionary on this day. I want to make big changes, dream larger than life, and be a part of something eternal. I get a glimpse of my life like a blank canvas, and I LOVE IT.
I don't have time tonight (suffering from jet-lag) to get into my resolutions, but they will happen this year, and they will be epic. I challenge you to take on a resolution in 2012. I know that you've probably tried one in the past and failed by January 1st, but that should never stop you from making this year better than the last.