November 5, 2010

Long overdue...

Granted, who wouldn't enjoy that picture of my mustache as the top-post for several months?  However, all good things must eventually come to an end, and it is no different with this blog.  I will finally update, and that picture will eventually be shoved out of sight.  (Relegated to the archives...)

Now, what is so important that requires me to blog?  Fair question.  I will answer that question with another one.  Would you rather have a pen shoved through your sternum and then broken off, or have to bite down hard on a metal rasp and then slowly pull it out?

In other news, Liz and I are closing on a house in two weeks.  I only have one picture for you.  Enjoy.


lori taylor said...

In light of the fact that things seem to happen to you, the question begs to be asked....did you break off a pen in your sternum and then bite on a rasp so that you could manfully bear the pain?

And your house if LOVELY. Cannot wait for Dad and I to be ushered inside for a tour and a glass of wine.

crystal said...

Jay! Its amazing. And I only see the front! Congrats.