December 15, 2008

Music Monday

Well, I've officially joined the ranks Music Mondays on the Bloggable Music Network. I am not exposed to new music very often here in Mexico, but a friend posted Ronnie Freeman's God Speaking on her blog, and it was good. However, I think the song I'm about to link to is even better! Play Satisfied on his ShoutLife page. Honestly, it gave me goosebumps and it's been on repeat all night. Oh, and Melissa, I think he's single.


Kat @ Inspired To Action said...

Hi Jay!

I've heard the name Ronnie Freeman, but I haven't actually heard his music. I'm excited to go check it out.

Welcome to Music Mondays!

Anonymous said...

Except, the little blog thing on his site clearly references his wife's mini-van. Way to try to set me up with a married guy.
