November 14, 2008

Math is

I would like to take some time to introduce you to my math students in no particular order.

Algebra 2 - I asked them to think of how they wanted to be remembered in the annals of time. This is what they came up with: Mug-shots w/height measurements that say they are 2-3 ft tall.

PreCalculus - They preferred the group shot, and it happened on a day that we met outdoors.

Algebra 1 - They also favored the group shot, but they chose a more expressive pose.

I only have 1 Calculus student, and he is pictured above in the pre-calc class. His name is Jack, and he's on the left.

Finally, my physics class can be better seen in a previous post: Physic's Project.

I hope you enjoy them all. If you don't get the joke at the top of this post, please see your nearest math professor.


lori taylor said...

Wow, Jay. I don't recognise any of those young adults as little kids I ever met. AND I don't get the math 'joke', so please explain in short sentences.

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